Our core values influence and guide our behavior and give us strength in every aspect of our lives. They are guidelines for our passionate, effective, and desired conduct as leaders, parents, siblings, spouses, and friends. They are enduring and consistent in their worth. They serve as a reliable “rudder” when the water is calm, turbulent, or changing direction.  At JCF Consulting, we value:

  • Integrity is doing what you say (follow through)
  • Integrity is being honest when setting expectations with Customers, Stakeholders, and ourselves


  • Curiosity is taking the initiative to dig deeper and learn more
  • Curiosity enables us to have richer experiences
  • Curiosity creates opportunities to make connections that may not be immediately apparent
  • Curiosity allows us to appreciate different perspectives
  • Curiosity helps us recognize new opportunities


  • Respect is the ‘golden rule’: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
  • Respect reduces conflicts
  • Respect for others builds self respect
  • Respect of others is independent of their title, authority, or income


  • Trust is the belief that others will follow through on commitments
  • Trust anticipates a desired action or outcome
  • Trust recognizes that you have a dependency on others

Generosity and Service

  • The greatest charity is when you give of yourself
  • Serve others and yourself